Interethnic and interfaith marriages in Sub-Saharan Africa, World Development (2020), Vol. 125. [Working Paper] [Online Appendix] [List of DHS ethnic classifications used] [Blog posts: AEHN ; Africa at LSE ] [Press: The Economist]
Parental divorce and children’s educational outcomes in Senegal (with Rozenn Hotte), World Development (2021), Vol. 145. [Working Paper]
Regional blocs and bloc voting in national elections (with Catherine Boone). In C. Boone, Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa: Regionalism by Design, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. 2024.
Sectoral interests and regional bloc voting in African countries (with Catherine Boone and Eun Kyung Kim). Studies in Comparative International Development. Forthcoming. [Replication data and code]
Work in progress
Ethnic Homogenization and Public Goods: Evidence from Kenya’s land reform program (with Catherine Boone and Alexander Moradi)
Migration and interethnic marriages in Kenya
Nation-Building Policies dataset (with Matthias vom Hau, Emre Amasyalı, Borge Wietzke, and Chun-Ying Wu)