Interethnic and interfaith marriages in Sub-Saharan Africa, World Development (2020), Vol. 125.
[Working Paper] [Online Appendix] [List of DHS ethnic classifications used] [Blog posts: AEHN ; Africa at LSE ] [Press: The Economist]
Parental divorce and children’s educational outcomes in Senegal (with Rozenn Hotte), World Development (2021), Vol. 145.
Regional blocs and bloc voting in national elections (with Catherine Boone). In C. Boone, Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa: Regionalism by Design, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. 2024.
Sectoral interests and regional bloc voting in African countries (with Catherine Boone and Eun Kyung Kim). Studies in Comparative International Development. Forthcoming.
Work in progress
Ethnic Homogenization and Public Goods: Evidence from Kenya’s land reform program (withCatherine Boone and Alexander Moradi)
Migration and interethnic marriages in Kenya